Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Celebrate :-)

Well another week gone by, and some good news…smoke free for 24 hrs today! I celebrate only for the moment b/c it has been anything but easy. Probably harder than getting sober if you can believe that! Only by the grace of God…Praise Him!

With studying now, working, and just trying to get prepared for our big move has been overwhelming obviously more times than not in the last month and half. I can tell b/t the stress of it all, and my body adjusting to not having the nicotine nerves are very frayed. Emotions have been on high, and I know the kids and andrew have felt it more in the last 2 weeks than the whole time…I realized the other night after I had studied pretty much non-stop every night I needed to regroup. Stop. Open the good word and refuel on His truths for my life.

Does that mean smooth roads? Not in this life time! But refocusing on taking one day at a time, one issue at a time, and letting God do the rest is all I can humanly do for today.
Only He knows what tomorrow will bring.

I came across something to ponder. Again by Max Lucado-

“In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices. And no one delineates this more clearly than Jesus. According to him, we can choose:
A narrow gate or a wide gate (Matt. 7:13-14)
A narrow road or a wide road (Matt 7:13-14)
The big crowd or the small crowd (Matt. 7:13-14)

We also can choose to:
Build on rock or sand (Matt. 7:24-27)
Serve God or riches (Matt. 6:24)
Be numbered among the sheep or the goats (Matt. 25:32-33)

How much more of a clearer picture do I need? We can never say we don’t have a choice…

Be a blessing.

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