Monday, August 27, 2007

A Challenge

Do you ever feel like you are trying to run in quick sand? And for every hurdle you barely skim over, another just seems to pop up with no end in sight? Ugghh. That is what I am feeling right now. I know I have said this in numerous posts, but doing what is right seems to be a hard thing to do. Sometimes it is not even for yourself that you are trying to do the right thing for…

My past, my purpose never seemed to be important. (to anyone else anyway) I have prayed for years for God to reveal why I had to endure those things, and you know what they say about being careful what you wish for! I am only being sarcastic (yes I know I wear that well!) I am thankful, grateful, and awe inspired most of the time as I see His plan unfold, but on the other hand it causes fear and anxiety. I over think everything. I don’t want to fail.

Right now my life is like a 3 ring circus. Half the time you don’t know if you are coming or going! Trying to balance it all work, school, housework, kids, their homework, my homework, and still trying to make your marriage thrive…ahhhhh Many days I just want to hide.

But than there are moments when I take the time to look at the grateful moments that I know it is all so worth it…Kade so excited about being dead last in cross country today, and pulling in at 4th in the end, Ky’s eyes just sparkling b/c her dad is going to her school, Chelsey cracking me up trying to repeat broken Spanish, and than little Tre…when I went to pick him up today from daycare..ahh his little legs wouldn’t move fast enough to get him to me. He wanted me to get him as quickly as possible, and he was smiling the whole time. Isn’t that what we long for too? Someone to run into knowing there loving arms wrapped around us makes us feel safe?

There are so many that don’t have that. Some people out there really have no one. I have so much, yet I complain so much. I read an email this morning that made my heart ache. There are lots of people out there that you pass everyday and you have no idea their story, and most of us don’t even bother to ask b/c we have “enough” to deal with. I have learned in the last week that it is important to take care of my family, but it is also my job to reach out to others. Someone did it for me, and I believe God has called me to do the same.

I encourage you and I tomorrow, reach out to someone. Even if it is a stranger, and just ask them how they are doing today…it makes another feel like their life is important enough to acknowledge their existence.

Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Christ did. 1 John 2:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing a good job of counting your blessings. God has done a mighty work in you.
Yea, and that thing about all of wanting someone to run to for a hug and to feel safe. I understand that for sure. I am feeling that way myself. Counting our blessings while acknowledging our needs and dependency for love is a balancing act. One keeps us humble and grateful, the other keeps us on our knees.