Monday, October 29, 2007

Chaos and what not...

Chaos seems to be the word for our lives right now. Actually if you looked up the definition of it in the dictionary you would probably see our family at the present moment!

It has been a long day. I had to take Chelsey to Cincinnati today for her liver annual appointment. We had to be on the road at 5:30am. She started testing as soon as we got there, and am so amazed at how old she has gotten and the trials we have had to endure all these years. Her liver enzymes were up…I have to say panic is my first instinct, but I am trying to not do that. Her renal (kidney) test results don’t come back until tomorrow, so I feel like I am sitting on pins and needles! Please pray for her.

I am still trying to acclimate to having five children. I feel like I cook and clean now more than I ever have! It is amazing to me how quickly you go through everything with only two more little bodies.

I have also realized how in the last week or so I feel like I am pushing against a cement wall, and let me tell you it isn’t moving! I feel like in many areas right now that I am trying to do what is right, and everyone is fighting me on it. Frustrating.

I do have many things to still be grateful for…I realized and was reminded of what an investment and obligation I have to teach all my children (including my niece and nephew). After church on Sunday I went to get my niece from her Sunday school class and before I could even ask she said guess what Aunt April? I learned about Jesus today…at that moment I knew no matter what happens the fire had been lit. Even if it is only a spark.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are tools in the hands of the potter for the clay. He holds us lovingly and in earnest. God is using all of you to carve out a life for Him.